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Recreation Committee Minutes 2014/02/11
Sunapee Recreation Committee
Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2014

Erica Belisle (Chair), John Augustine, Scott Blewitt, Charleen Osborne, Mike Pollari, Maria Fair, Matt McNally, Tanner Royce
Next meeting:
March 11, 6:30 PM, Town Office
  • Agenda Items
  • Minutes: Minutes read. Motion to approve: Maria, Seconded by Charleen. All were in favor.
  • Veteran’s Field Basketball Court Project – Brandon Fleming
  • Cost $1500.00 – $2000.00 to resurface
  • $4000.00 for both basketball hoops (includes poles, backboards, & hoops).
  • Proposal is to upgrade the lighting
Discussion: Fencing between parking lots? What would be appropriate? What is Brandon’s plan?  Tabled until March when he can be present & have a plan to go forward

  • XC Ski:
  • Scott looking to clarify for advertising
  • Sunapee Residents M-F school vacation week
  • Kids ski free with a paying adult $10.00 ticket cost. Rental $15.00, lesson offered @ 10:00 AM. Lesson is free.
  • Open 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 18 miles of groomed trails for XC Ski or Snowshoe
  • Athletic Uniforms:  
  • Baseball: (3-6) Returnable pants, items to keep: t-shirts, socks, & hats
Basketball: (5/6) Returnable Reversible jersey & shorts, (34/) T-shirts to keep, returnable shorts
Baseball: discussion Returnable Shirts cost $6.00, hats $4.00, socks $2.00 Try for this year (Majors & U12 Softball). Keep Basketball (3/4) & (5/6) as is.
Maria will be in charge of inventory for Baseball
SIDENOTE: Myles Cooney will be Sunapee’s rep for baseball in the Cal Ripken league. We need to do a complete inventory of the shed at Dewey Field. Steve Anglin has umpired without pay for about 10-12 years and the Rec. Com needs to send out a THANK YOU!

  • Membership: Meeting requirements
  • Full time members must make 8 out of 12 meeting per year
  • Change of date for member meetings must have public notice & a quorum needs to be met
  • Motion: Maria, Seconded: Matt - Discussion: we would not automatically dismiss a member, but would have a discussion to the member’s intent if more meetings were missed. All were in favor.
  • Firefighter’s Day: 1st Saturday in July on Veteran’s Field. Beach staff will be at field with fireman. Beach will still be open.
  • 4th of July:
  • Friday July 4th – Yacht Club Fireworks
  • Saturday July 5th – Sunapee Parade & Fireworks (Project Sunapee has reached out to do more, maybe during the holiday, maybe another time during the summer)
  • In March the “4th of July Committee” will begin discussion. Mike joins the group.

  • Communications: When parents have issues with a coach
  • When Scott is approached he asks the parents if they have discussed this with the coach? He is willing to help advocate discussion and be a third party if needed.
  • Some issues come up from the playing time kids receive Some kids do not get as much as others, should we (the Rec Com) reinforce a policy of minimum play time? Size of the team?
  • Matt: Motion Review equitable playing time for larger teams & offer coaches potential solutions to problems during the pre-season coaches meeting. For example: more than 1 team, keeping a book, etc. Seconded: Tanner All were in favor.

Erica: Motion to adjourn, Maria: Seconded, All in Favor